Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Requiem For The Dead (Zombie D.O.A. Book 12)

Chris Collins has finally reached Washington D.C. and must confront the man who kidnapped his family.

But getting to former senator Buzz Talbert won't be easy.

For starters, Talbert has declared himself President of the United States, installed himself in the White House, and surrounded himself with a huge army. He's thrown up high fences to keep himself and his slave labor force safe.

But will those fences be enough to keep out Colonel Gareth Stone? Stone, now a demented creature clinging to his last scrap of humanity, is headed for Washington too, bent on revenge and with a zombie army a million strong under his command.

Throw in a general who wants to nuke every major American city, a brutal, double-crossing rebel leader, a battle royale at the Lincoln Memorial, and an unusual 10-pin bowling game, and you have a recipe for a rip-roaring, action -packed, post-apocalyptic thrill ride.

Click the "Read More" link below to read an excerpt from 

  Requiem For The Dead

Stone Dead Forever (Zombie D.O.A. Book 11)

Chris Collins thought Memphis, Tennessee would be a safe haven for his family, a respite from the relentless pursuit of Colonel Gareth Stone and his zombie army.

But Memphis is run by Buzz Talbert, a megalomaniac former US senator, who has just declared himself President of the United States. Now Talbert has kidnapped Chris's family and is heading for Washington D.C. for his inauguration. Before that he plans on making Kelly Collins his First Lady.

Chris sets off in pursuit, but the run from Memphis to Washington is wrought with dangers. First off there's Colonel Stone and his doped up zombie soldiers. Then there's the clan of cannibalistic bikers known as The Dead Men, who's leader has a personal grudge against Chris and wants to (quite literally) turn him into hamburger.

Throw in a backwoods cannibal clan, a pair of sadistic hunters, and lots and lots of zombies, and you have all the ingredients for a rip-roaring, action -packed, post-apocalyptic adventure.
Stone Dead Forever is the 11th episode of the Zombie D.O.A. series - packed with the usual twists and jaw-dropping action that  the series has become renowned for.


Click the "Read More" link below to read an excerpt from

Stone Dead Forever

Friday, December 07, 2012

Brainnsss!!! 10 Classic Undead Movies To Feed Your Zombie Obsession

Ever since brothers Victor Halperin and Edward Halperin brought "White Zombie" to the screen in 1932, Hollywood has been obsessed with the undead. The reason is obvious. From this early 30's movie to George A. Romero's zombie classics to "The Walking Dead" zombies make good box office. Here then, are 10 of my fave undead epics;

Dawn of the Dead

Romero’s best work in my opinion. The follow-up to Night of the Living Dead has everything – action, gore, story and character development. From its opening scene featuring a SWAT team clearing a zombie-infested apartment block, to the somewhat open-ended ending, this is a must see. The 2004 remake is perhaps stylistically better, but then again, it is a remake.


Italian Director, Lucio Fulci’s gorefest is a homage to Romero, and a worthy one at that. Bloody and brutal, but with a tight, fast-paced story line and a few nasty surprises. Where else are you going to see a movie featuring a zombie fighting a shark?

World War Z

The film version of Max Brooks' zombie saga might not be a patch on the book, but it still features some of the most intense zombie action ever seen on screen. The Zs are quick, scary and hyper aggressive and the story is epic in proportion with thousands upon thousands of the creatures loose on the streets. Looking forward to the sequel. 

Day of the Dead

The third of Romero’s classic zombie movies is dark, gruesome and scary. Picking up where
Dawn of the Dead ended it follows a group of people taking shelter in an mine shaft while the dead create havoc above. Perhaps the least popular of Romero’s offerings but a must see for any serious zombie fan.

28 Weeks Later

I know I’m in the minority here but I prefer the sequal to the original. The opening scene is one of the most intense I’ve seen in a zombie movie and the ending is just creepy, with lots of Z action in between.

Shaun of the Dead

A laugh-a-minute take on the Zombie Apocalypse. Shaun and his best friend Ed are two slackers going nowhere fast when the Z’s strike, forcing them to make a stand. Of course they head for the first place you would choose when zombies attack – the local pub!

28 Days Later

A man wakes up from a coma to find London abandoned. He soon realizes that the population has been decimated by a virus that turns them into mindless killing machines. The story lags in places but it’s a good zombie flick nonetheless.  


Another comedic take on the zombie apocalypse. Woody Harrelson plays "Tallahassee" a dedicated zombie killer who guides three young people on a road trip from Texas to California. It's fast and funny with some great Z action and a hilarious cameo appearance by Bill Murray.  

Night of the Living Dead

The original classic from George A. Romero. Personally, I prefer the 1990 remake, but the original deserves its place on the list for shaping the genre.

Dead Alive

Directed by Peter Jackson before he became mega-famous for Lord of the Rings. In this New Zealand production, the hero’s mother is bitten by a Sumatran rat-monkey. She becomes sick and dies, but of course, rises from the dead to cause mayhem. It’s gory, gruesome and hilarious.

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Speak Of The Dead (Zombie D.O.A. Book 10)

Amarillo is behind him and Chris Collins believes he may have evaded Colonel Gareth Stone and the clan of cannibalistic bikers known as The Dead Men. Now, he's arrived at the fortified town of Memphis, Tennessee, where he hopes for some respite and a safe haven for his family.

But things in Memphis are not as peaceful as they seem. First off there's Buzz Talbert, a warped former senator with designs on the Presidency and someone particular in mind as his first lady.

Then there's John Casey Adams, Talbert's former right hand man, now the leader of a band of renegades and cutthroats. And Ty Rydell, a boxer turned soldier torn between his one-time friendship with Chris and his loyalty to Senator Talbert.

And of course there are the zombies, thousands of them, locked behind high fences in downtown Memphis - fences that may not be as secure as they seem. 

Episode 10 of the Zombie D.O.A. series is another twisted post-apocalyptic tale with thrills galore and enough zombie action to keep you awake deep into the night.

Click the "Read More" link below to read an excerpt from 

Speak Of The Dead

Deadly (Zombie D.O.A. Book 9)

After escaping from a sinister, zombie worshiping cult in Twentynine Palms, California, Chris Collins heads for Flagstaff where he believes he will find safe haven for his family. However, with a zombie army heading up the road after him, the citizens of Flagstaff turn him away.

Forced back out onto the road, Chris is soon pitted against old foes - the Dead Men, a cannibalistic motorcycle gang, still thirsting for revenge after their last encounter. And in Amarillo, Texas, he runs into an old friend from his days in Pagan - Hooley Hoolihan.

Now Chris is pitched into a vicious battle on the streets of Amarillo. Opposing him, Colonel Gareth Stone's zombie army, now forged into a deadly alliance with The Dead Men; at his side, Joe Thursday, Hooley Hoolihan and of course, his daughter Ruby; at stake, the lives of his family and the survival of every human settlement in the west.      

Click the "Read More" link below to read an excerpt from 


Monday, October 22, 2012

Praise for the Zombie D.O.A. Series

I try not to read reviews of my work, really I do. But, like every other insecure writer out there, I have to sneak a peak every once in a while, just to see that I'm hitting the right marks with my audience (at least so I tell myself!). Nonetheless, I've been pleasantly surprised by some of the kind things you've had to say about the Zombie D.O.A. series.

Here are just some of the comments that have put a spring in my step and sent me back to my laptop on days when the words come hard and a cocktail by the pool seems oh so appealing.

I thank you from the bottom of my undead heart.


Excellent and Amazingly Hopeful  *****

This series of books were the best zombie books ever. Action, story and humanity come together to deliver a book I could not put down. The ending was amazing and especially in a zombie book. This is one keeper I look forward to reading again one day. Would love to see another book about Chris and Ruby's reunion too.

Sheena Albright on Amazon.com 


If I could give more stars to this book i would!! This book is just so AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! The story starts off creepy, scary and good, continues, creepy, scary and good and ends creepy, scary and good!! I cant wait to get to the next part which i will start reading as soon as i give this review!! I take my hat off to the author, i give you a standing ovation and say BRAVO!BRAVO!! good job! keep them coming like the first book, creepy, scary and just the right amount of humor!!

Caridad Cruz on Goodreads

DOA Series *****

"Ok so been on this zombie novel kick for over a year now. I have read some really, really good ones, and some really, really bad ones. Approx. 70 zombie novels so far. I dont write reviews and i know i should because there are alot I have liked but wrote nothing on them. JJ Zep suprised me out of nowhere with this zombie series. I bought all four after getting hooked by the sample and am now about to purchase the fifth one. All I can say is the series is simply awesome. I judge a book by wether i can put it down or even want to or not. I did not want to put these down, to go to sleep, or to work. Of course i had to, but eargerly looked forward to getting back to them as soon as possible. When you tell yourself "ok i can get by on 5 hours sleep, and go to work tomorrow" Just because you want to read it for one more hour, then I think its a damn good read Thanks JJ for the awesome time spent in your little world of creativity. I will continue to purchase your work."

Sean Julius on Amazon.com

Unique And Impossible To Put Down *****

"I've been on this "zombie apocalypse" reading kick for the past year or so. I've read about a hundred different books, novellas, and short stories on the subject of a post-apocalyptic earth after our inevitable extinction event goes down. The D.O.A. series was one of my favorites. It has relatable characters, a strong central plot line, and some fun sub-plot events that keep you reading. I ended up reading all 4 books the 1st day I bought the series on kindle. Thanks JJ, keep em coming please."

Hydrophonics on Amazon.com 

I appear to be working my way through everything "zombie" that Amazon has to offer, and I am mildly ashamed at coming to JJ Zep's party late if his prolific bibliography is anything to go by.

"Dead Meat" is an introduction to a wider series ("The D.O.A Series") and serves as an introduction to the writer's style and (I assume) the series as a whole. Zep doesn't disappoint and this is a teaser of the highest order.

Dawn Peers on Goodreads

A Different Kind of Zombie Adventure *****

"I'm not going to write a synopsis, but just say this is a very well crafted tale, the author has a gift in spinning an interesting yet different type of story in a crowded field. Do yourself a favor. Read the book and enjoy a zombie novel with heart and a hero."

Steven Pereira on Amazon.com

Wow! Loved It! *****

I enjoy horror books but have never been a big Zombie fan. This book changed my mind. The pace is breakneck and there is plenty of blood and gore to keep your average Zombie fan satisfied. But unlike many books in the genre, the characters are well constructed you really care about them.

There are some parts that really creeped me out but also some surprisingly tender moments. Add to that a clever plot, the sprinklings of a conspiracy theory, witty dialogue and some laugh out loud moments and you have an instant classic.

Critique on Amazon.com

Once again the author did not disappoint, this book was just as good as all the others before it! jt's an interesting fast read from the start until the end!! Chris Collins and Joe Thursday are my heroes, you can't help but fall in love with these guys, they can be goofy, serious and always on point when it comes to kicking some zombie butt!! At times i do feel like they get lucky a little too much, however the author makes it work. if you love zombies then this is one for you!! enjoy!!

Caridad Cruz on Goodreads


Great Story *****

This is book one of a series of four books. I was glad that I bought all four at the same time because the story in the next book begins right after the last one ends. Normally, I find this distracting because this seems as if the author is just trying to sell more books, but in this series it works. This is a great story in four parts. I wish there were more, as this is an great and fast moving story that will hold your interest.

Maggie on Amazon.com

Awesome / Extreme Zombie Read *****

Woah. So I just finished and this was great, especially the beginning! That had me literally saying WOW. I described the book to my husband and every time he said, geez, I told him "Wait... it gets worse"(well I suppose 'better' in this case!) The only thing I didn't like were the talking zombies, but that's just my own undead preference. Worth the download and ill be waiting for the subsequent sequel.

GingerMass 347 on Amazon.com

The final chapter *****

Sad to think that this is the final book in the D.O.A. series, but what a finish, thousands of zombies under the control of a madman who can unleash hell with the flick of a switch, and the return of the cannibalistic Dead Men biker gang, a group that Hooley has a personal grudge with.

As with the previous books, this picks up right where book 15 finished off with Joe stuck on a rooftop surrounded by zombies, did he survive? I suggest you buy the book and find out for yourself.

This has been a brilliant series to read, and I believe the next series is going to be a spin-off of the D.O.A. series featuring the younger generation (Charlie, Jojo, Ferret and of course Ruby), and one I'm looking forward to reading.

Colin Buckland on Amazon.co.uk

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

5 Frighteningly Real Ways The World Might End

As an author of post-apocalyptic fiction, destroying the planet is my stock in trade. But could any of the scenarios trotted out in fiction actually happen? Read on to find out, then head for the store and stock up on emergency supplies. Then start digging that bunker in the garden...

Asteroid Strike
An asteroid striking the earth is a premise often examined in fiction, but what would the result of such an impact really be?

This is not a theoretical threat. It’s happened before and there are craters all over the planet to prove it. In fact, the last significant asteroid strike, 65 million years ago, caused the extinction of the dinosaurs.

Any significantly sized asteroid falling from the sky would unleash a tremendous amount of energy. For example, a mile-wide asteroid hitting the earth at 30,000 mph would cause an explosion equal to a 1 million megaton bomb. That's enough to wipe out virtually every living thing on the planet.

An asteroid that big would throw up enough dust to completely block out the sun. Anyone who survived the initial impact would soon perish. And if the asteroid were to land in the ocean it would cause massive tsunamis hundreds of feet high that would devastate coastal cities around the globe.

Nuclear Holocaust
With the end of the Cold War, the threat of a global nuclear war may have receded somewhat, but before we start congratulating ourselves at having dodged the bullet, let's remember that there are at least 20,000 active nuclear weapons remaining, enough to destroy the planet many times over.

And the possibility of malicious use of these weapons has not receded completely. The fear of deployment by a rogue state or terrorist group is very real, but what is even more frightening is a showdown between the US and rising world power, China.

The effects would be devastating. Quite aside from the havoc wrought by these weapons, we'd be facing radiation borne illnesses, nuclear winter and destruction of the ozone layer allowing solar radiation to penetrate our atmosphere.

Global Pandemic
Plagues and pandemics are nothing new. In the 14th century the Black Plague killed half of the Chinese populace before heading west and devastating the population of Europe. In 1918, an outbreak of Spanish Flu wiped out up to 100 million people, or 6% of the world's population.

But surely, with the advances in modern medicine such a pandemic couldn't happen these days? The scary truth is that it could, and perhaps it is even likely. The problem is that viruses and disease causing microbes mutate and become resistant to antibiotics. We've seen this in recent years with the panic caused by avian flu and swine flu, and it wouldn't take much for such a pandemic to spiral out of control.

And quite aside from the risk of a naturally occurring epidemic is the constant threat of biological warfare. Creating killer bugs is cheap and they are easy to produce, conceal and transport. All it would take is one motivated and demented terrorist group. A frightening thought.

Alien Invasion
Think about it, there are billions upon billions of planets in our universe and it is almost impossible to believe that Earth is the only one that houses intelligent life. And as our technology improves, allowing us to look deeper into the universe, our chances of encountering extraterrestrial life increase exponentially.

While we search the skies for them through initiatives like the SETI project, who is to say they aren't looking for us too? And if they find us, what are the chances they'll come in peace and not to colonize Earth or exploit our natural resources.

It is for this reason, that scientists like Stephen Hawking warn against trying to make contact with alien civilizations. They reckon that if a race has the technology to traverse the light years to reach us, they'll also be more than capable of exterminating us.

Volcanic Eruption
When Mount Tambora erupted in Indonesia in 1915, it pumped so much ash into the air that it blocked out the sun, changing the global climate for an entire year. 1816 became known as the year without a summer as temperatures plummeted, crops failed and famine and starvation were widespread.

Now imagine a volcano many times more powerful than Tambora, a super-volcano. There are five of these around the globe, and the biggest of them is sitting right on our doorstep in Yellowstone National Park.

The famous geysers and hot springs are powered by a sea of magma 30 miles wide and another 6 miles deep, and when it blows it will not only devastate North America, but cause every other volcano on the planet to erupt as well causing a global cataclysm that will wipe out everything on the planet.

And the other bad news is that Yellowstone is overdue. It has a cycle of eruption every 600,000 years and now it has now been 640,000 years since it last erupted.
Afraid yet?

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Dead And Buried (Zombie D.O.A. Book 8)

The city of Lancaster has fallen in an epic battle between zombies and humans. Chris Collins is on the run, taking his family east towards Flagstaff, Arizona, where he believes they'll be safe. 

But in these desperate times is anything ever that simple? Chris soon finds himself in conflict with a gang of muscle car driving road bandits, his son possibly infected with zombie blood, his family under attack in an abandoned diner.
And then there's the mysterious monk who comes to their rescue, and the strange cult led by Sister Valerie Rose - a cult that believes sacrificing humans to the zombies is their pathway to heaven, a cult that have set their sights on the Collins family.

Click the "Read More" link below to read an excerpt from 

Dead And Buried